Your ZEISS SIGMA FE-SEMs for High Quality Imaging and Advanced Analytical Microscopy
ZEISS Sigma 300 delivers excellence in price and performance. Achieve your elemental analysis fast and convenient with the best-in-class EDS geometry of ZEISS Sigma 500. Count on accurate, reproducible results – from any sample, every time.
Get a flexible and reliable field emission SEM for your research, industrial lab or imaging facility. With the Sigma Family you always acquire excellent images from any real world sample.
More Information
Flexible Detection for Clear Images
- Tailor Sigma to your needs using the latest detection technology and characterize all of your samples.
- Acquire topographical and compositional information with the optional InLens Duo detector.
- Enjoy a new generation of secondary electron (SE) detectors. Obtain images with up to 50% more signal. Benefit from the novel C2D and VPSE detectors of Sigma in variable pressure mode: working at low vacuum, you can expect crisp images with up to 85% more contrast.
Automate and Speed up Your Workflow
- A 4-step workflow lets you control all the functionality of your Sigma. Benefit from fast time-to-image and save time on training – especially in a multi-user environment.
- First, navigate your sample and then set optimal imaging conditions.
- Next, automatically acquire images across multiple samples utilizing regions of interest (ROIs). Finally use the workflow’s last step for contextual visualization of your results.
Perform Advanced Analytical Microscopy
- Combine scanning electron microscopy and elemental analytics: the best-in-class EDS geometry of Sigma increases your analytical productivity, especially on beam sensitive samples.
- Get analytical data at half the probe current and twice the speed.
- Achieve complete, shadow-free analytics in your FE-SEM. Profit from using a short analytical working distance of 8.5 mm and a take-off angle of 35°.
Gemini Optics
Based on Proven Gemini Technology
- The Gemini objective lens design combines electrostatic and magnetic fields to maximize optical performance while reducing field influences at the sample to a minimum. This enables excellent imaging, even on challenging samples such as magnetic materials.
- The Gemini in-lens detection concept ensures efficient signal detection by detecting secondary (SE) and/or backscattered (BSE) electrons minimizing time-to-image.
- Gemini beam booster technology guarantees small probe sizes and high signal-to-noise ratios.
Flexible Detection
Flexible Detection for Clear Images
- Characterize all of your samples with the latest detection technology.
- Get topographical, high resolution information with the novel ETSE and the Inlens detector for high vacuum mode.
- Obtain crisp images in variable pressure mode with the VPSE or the C2D detector.
- Produce high resolution transmission images with the aSTEM detector.
- Investigate composition with the BSD4 or the YAG detector.